Accessibility Information

This site attempts to provide for all potential users with accessibility in mind:

We want everyone who is interested in our site to be able to access the information they are looking for, accordingly this website has been designed to make that as easy as possible within the design parameters employed.

This site complies to the latest web standards as recommended by the W3C.*

All pages validate as 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', This site uses cascading style sheets (CSS) for visual layout and styling, which is supported by all modern browsers.

We would respectfully point out that Internet Explorer, up to and including version 6, is a very poor browser with regard to fully supporting current W3C standards for construction + accessibility, unlike newer browsers such as FireFox, Safari and Opera. IE7 & 8 offers improved compliance and Windows users should upgrade accordingly.

* The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium working to develop Web standards and guidelines.